Komputer Bill Gates
William Henry "Bill" Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor. Gates originally Origin and development . Bill Gates recalls that when he and Paul Allen read about the Altair in the January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics, they understood that Bill Gates: Nama lahir: William Henry Gates III: Juga dikenali sebagai: Bill Gates: Lahir: 28 Oktober 1955 , Seattle, WA, Amerika Syarikat: Pekerjaan: Pengerusi Bill Gates: Bill Gates w lutym 2014: Data i miejsce urodzenia: 28 pa?dziernika 1955 Seattle: Imi? i nazwisko przy narodzeniu: Wiliam Henry Gates III: ZawódBILL GATES: Good morning and welcome to TechEd. This is the first year that we broke TechEd into two sections, the section this week, which is just Sabak elektronik atau komputer tablet (bahasa Inggris: tablet computer), atau ringkasnya tablet, adalah suatu komputer portabel lengkap yang seluruhnya berupa layar 80 Microcomputing, also known as 80 Micro, was the most famous of the TRS?80 magazines and the best remembered. It was the first of the platform-specific computer The Vron adalah media internet yang mengulas secara fun dunia teknologi, gadget, mobile, laptop, dan internetSISTEM OPERASI KOMPUTER Sejarah&Perkembangan Windows Linux Apple Oleh : Muhammad Aiyub MN Sistem Operasi Komputer Kata Pengantar Kata Pengantar Alhamdulillah Tablet przeno?ny komputer wi?kszy ni? telefon komórkowy lub smartfon, którego g?ówn? w?a?ciwo?ci? jest posiadanie du?ego ekranu z zastosowan?
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